Lakshmipat Singhania Public School :: Club Activities

Club Activities

Science Club


The scientific and technological advancement of today is a long forward journey from Stone Age. Each individual has his own interests, talents and abilities. Even a progressive syllabus fails to cater the needs of science educators who now a days are found to exhibit growing interest in stimulating group participation and mobilizing interest in learning science organizing science clubs is one among such activities. At Lakshmipat Singhania Public School we make learning of science joyful and fun filled through activities of the science club.


Objectives of Science Club

  1. To provide proper incentive and inspiration for the pursuit of scientific knowledge in rigorous way by broadening their scientific outlook.
  2. To provide opportunities for bringing school close to the society and to acquaint the people with the services and contribution of the science in their life.
  3. To develop among the student the spirit and attitude of healthy competition for the individual and social cause
  4. To help the students in imbibing the habit of self-reliance, self-dependence and love for manual work
  5. To provide opportunity for the development of the constructive, explorative & inventive faculties of the students.
  6. To make the students understand the values of time and to help them in the proper utilization to their hours.
  7. To create interest in latest inventions and discoveries of science in various fields and to get acquainted with the life history and contributions of great scientists.
  8. To develop students, interest and participation in the practical application of the    knowledge related to different branches of science
  9. To grate interest in scientific facts and events related to one’s surroundings.
  10. To encourage individual and group activities.
  11. To make the students and public science minded
  12. To stimulate active participation and initiative among students in the learning process.

Some of the Science Club Activities held in 2016-17

1. Science  Exhibition

A Mini Science exhibition is conducted at Lakshmipat Singhania Public School Jaykaypur, Rayagada on  17th January 2025. Students of classes VI and  VII lead by the teachers displayed more than 30 science projects and models. The models and exhibits were appreciated and applauded by all.




2. Rally on Road Safety 

Road saftey 1st to 31st Month January 2025 organised by JK Paper Mills. 30 students of class 9 of Lakshmipat Singhania Public School participated in the rally. Students of classes 9 under the guidance of teachers marched in a rally to bring awareness on road safety by chanting slogans holding the placards, banners and distributed multilingual pamphlets to the residents of Jaykaypur. Also a small skit on road safety organized by JKPM staff







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